Laureates Academy for Gifted Students offers a variety of services to meet diverse needs of different students residing both inside or outside Canada. Please make sure you are choosing the right program you are applying to. Here you can find the perfect fit:

Local Students Application: For Canadian students seeking a very high quality education system. Please learn about the curriculum, admissions process and tuition fees before you apply!

International Students Application: For students from China, Brazil, Iran, US, Korea, Mexico, Germany, Egypt, or anywhere else in the world who would like to experience Canada as a place to live and study. Please learn about the curriculum, admissions process, tuition fees and (optional) boarding costs before you apply!

Math Club Application: For students with a passion for numbers, problem-solving and computer science. Please learn about the curriculum before you apply!

Summer Camps: For students who want to enjoy their summer time while learning new skills. Please learn about the camps before you apply!

We encourage you to explore the links above and take the first step towards a future filled with learning, discovery, and endless possibilities at Laureates Academy!

From Laureates Blog

Alex Song

Story of a Canadian prodigy

A mathematical prodigy like Zhuo Qun (Alex) Song doesn’t come along every day. But what drove this Canadian mind to pursue his education in the United States during his middle school? Does the current educational system in Canada offer sufficient challenges for the most gifted students?  Delve deeper into Alex’s story and explore the crucial question:  Is Canada equipped to nurture exceptional talent?  Read the full article on our Laureates blog!

Laureates Academy and University of Toronto

Dr. Iman Kamali Sarvestani, Laureates Academy’s esteemed principal, shares a personal and inspiring story in this blog post. Delve into his rewarding reunion with the University of Toronto’s Collaborative Program in Neurosciences (CPIN), and discover how a past dedication to fostering young minds has blossomed into a renewed partnership.  Read on to celebrate Dr. Kamali’s achievements and discover exciting news about her future endeavors in neuroscience education!